Please do not use Pametria's name or imagery in any promotional materials or marketing efforts until after a contract has been signed, and until after your deposit has been received. This includes announcing on social media or publically that Pametria will be appearing or speaking at your event.
Confirmation of date ability and being in negotiations is not the same as having a confirmed event guaranteed by a jointly signed contract. Thank you so much for understanding and planning accordingly.
Got Questions? Shoot us an email. We look forward to an amazing experience.
The following are photos you may use for press, media or event mentions. For magazine publications or blog features, a credit to my photographer Ray Simone, must be included and an email showing a link or copy of usage sent to my team at A photographer credit is NOT NECESSARY ON EVENT FLIERS or REVIEWS. If you need any additional assistance, please send an email to the same.
To download, click on image, right click and save image.

When referencing or listing my name, please kindly use my mononym "Pametria Dominise, The Empowerment Expert." or " Pametria Brown, LMSW" A summary of my active roles may also be listed beneath or next to my name as follows. Please select the option that best suits your event or media mention: "Author, Mental Health Therapist" or "Author, Coach & Therapist"